A hotelier and Philanthropist Michael O. Smith delivers 2021 commencement address at Xavier University about organizations of diversity and inclusion, education, religion and community ( positive Learning )

A hotelier and Philanthropist Michael O. Smith delivers 2021 commencement address at Xavier University about organizations of diversity and inclusion, education, religion and community (positive learning)

Michael O. Smith delivers Xavier University's 2021 commencement address. As an hotelier and philanthropist, Smith has spent more than 40 years with Hyatt. He also supports programs and organizations of diversity and inclusion, education, religion and community. 

Image of A hotelier and Philanthropist
 Michael O. Smith

In 2005, Smith received widespread recognition for his efforts in safely evacuating nearly 4,000 guests and staff, along with supporting government officials in transporting thousands of residents from the Super dome through the hotel to buses departing the city during Hurricane Katrina. 

thank you doctor barrette and congratulationswonder will deserve a team and highly personal accomplishment to date in front of the rest of your life because of my most distinct honor to offer a few remarks on this commencement day for the twenty

twenty one graduate they be university as i'm actually surprised the audience he gives me a tremendous sense of pride as i reminisce to forty two years ago to what this day meant to me listening to the late bernard jordan which i

his remarks at what's the same state university commencement exercises might not end up as the stream of high just thinking about that day and i can relate to your feelingsi considered david to be the quickest

that's a university in the united states for my first introduction to docker normal france's to the secession a doctor for red represented the standards of higher education in every way has been a smarter my opinion of course

founded by the same you'll be in a speech to you which i referenced later you see i can guarantee you that i am knew for decades ago from a small town in north carolinajust justin make smith my mother had

up with great education she has two kids as a single parent about four different mean a domestic for white family and we survived on welfare and food stamps i was the first to go to college and graduate

looking for sure hands i know a certain percentage of you a first generation of your family i feel like a niche and please allow me a few touched points based on my experience that may provide you some directions moving forward

were you were robbed and they do you enter to learn but you have to depart to serve and that starts with perseverance overcoming adversity to achieve success it's a two definition and the last year has been the most challenging them

you make it to graduation congratulationslive you learn what did you learn to live your intestinal fortitude has been established and you will apply to being a difference maker across several platforms

oh my it to her deport to serve as you find your wayalso contain education is the equalizeryour degree can never be taken away and whether you continue your education won't

critical moments in the workforce you will have to compete and non mean compete at a higher level then you're kind of forced of different ethnicities that is a fat as we have a different set of rules that are institutional is deeply rooted in i

mean not white privilege trust me that is the reality in the past year has a us to even more of the most pressing and challenging opportunities to reality is we have to work smarter

hard understanding appreciating in value diversity in every way other words be true to yourself and bring others along with you for the journey which leads me into a smee to use as i mentioned

not to his benefitsi took on the task with a lot of support to raise over ten million dollar to support us the u c a c h b c news represents seventy percent of bachelor's degrees earned by blacks

you were saying yet they should be seen use only received three percent of institutions eligible for federal student aid joined alumni associations send your kids and families see i'm a modest for your education go to the flat costs

lindahl home if a website to see our contributions to society and they have truly been tremendoussegue into generational education really to generational wealth by show of hands earlier the significant cuts

as i mentioned a first generation pleases sure that you're not the last to pursue higher education the wage gap by any measure is worse now than at the turn of the century between black and white college educated students between male and female

in summary the hour hourly put a sick of time just googled affect education has to be the center piece and we need to walk into stamp above and beyond the jews usual safe opportunities accumulating wealth is critical to give you

economic independence to invest say and being the room for the venture capital of this sports music and hollywood not withstanding people calling you to focus and then opened that's the understanding and financial diversity not fat

bernard jordan thirteen years after i graduated i met in berlin in washington dc and introduced myself at the time he was leading the transition for president clinton are quite why seen a legendary figure will not take one of those cabinet.

I hope you learn something kind and positive from him thought 

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