Service business ideas : Best Top 20+ Most Profitable [ Service ideas ] [ community ] service ideas [ Service project ] ideas
How safe is it to start up a business in
today's economy
that is dependent on many factors what
is the idea
is it unique will it fill a niche that
is not being filled in your area
does it require real estate location how
much money do you have for startup costs
advertising when making a decision to
start a business
these are but a few of the factors that
need to be considered
Best Top 20+ Most Profitable [ Service ideas ] [ community ] service ideas [ Service project ] ideas
Cover Pic Best Top 20+ Most Profitable [ Service ideas ] [ community ] service ideas [ Service project ] ideas |
Number 1 : Home solar energy maintenance service
setup with maintenance service
there is no doubt that reduced pollution
is one of the greatest advantages of
using solar panels
Number 2 : Warehouse inventory management for
inventory management is a systematic
approach to sourcing
storing and selling inventory both raw
materials and finished goods or products
if you've a good place to build
warehouse then
you can start this business without huge
Number 3 : Mobile wallet payment solution
you can provide services about best ways
to transfer money
store cards perform contact less
pay bills securely and so on
Number 4 : Online media and TV media ad specialist company
it is still the most effective brand
awareness channel
TV advertising creates builds and grows
TV advertising builds brand fame and
keeps brands alive in your mind for much
longer than sponsored post or a search
Number 5 : Biometric sensor company
biometric sensors are used to collect
measurable biological characteristics
signals from a human being which can
then be used in conjunction with
biometric recognition algorithms to
automated person identification
Number 6 : Rural drone delivery company
Number 7 : Cyber attack prevention security company
Number 8 : IT as a service company
Number 9 : International trade consultant company
Number 10 : Peer-to-peer business lending company
Number 11 : Personal cyber security software
Number 13 : Elderly care services or child care services
Number 13 : Skyscraper greenhouses
Number 14 : Chat box developer chat bots
or bots for short are computer programs
that interact with people in a way that
mimics human
interaction to some degree it will help
you in workflow management
setup and configuration order generation
search and data collection this will be
good business idea for coding experts
Number 15 : Disaster relief location finder mobile application
Number 16 : Skilled workers services
Number 17 : Financial advisor services in this bad economy
Number 18 : Social media management for small businesses
Number 19 : Home-based healthcare services
Number 20 : Contact less delivery services
many websites offer small business
training in the form of articles
webinars and other valuable tools local
chambers of commerce
libraries banks and community colleges
offer a wealth of information and
knowledge to the person looking to begin
their own business
many local business owners eager to see
their community grow and thrive
are happy to share the wisdom they have
gained from their own experience.
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