How to become [ successful in life ] : 3 Effective Basic keys to Become Successful in any Field you Want.

 How to become [ successful in life ] : 3 Effective Basic keys to Become Successful in any Field you Want.

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Cover Image of How to become [ successful in life ] : 3 Effective Basic keys to Become Successful in any Field you Want.

Success is not to be pursued

it is to be attracted by the person we


have you ever wondered what your life

would be like if you made it to the top

we all want to become successful but the

question is how are you going to do it

the key is opportunity i bet you've been


you have to become a doctor lawyer

celebrity in order to have success

right most people think you have to be

born to become successful

that's not true today in this video we

are sharing three basic keys to become


in any field you want 

Number one

 Love yourself first

you always hear older people say that

the person you are now will reflect on

the person you will be in the future

it might be a cliche but the truth is

this is true in any case

for example someone who chain smokes

when he is in his early 20s will most

probably suffer the consequences of his

health when he reaches 50 or 60 years


the same thing holds true with success

if you want to become successful

straighten up your acts today look

within yourself

and surround yourself with people who

will be good for you

do not make friends with people who make

you feel like you are insignificant

always learn to criticize yourself in a

positive manner so you will have

a positive outlook in life too 

Number two

Do not stick to your job only because

you have to

how to become successful at work in

itself needs

major persistence what more if you are

stuck in a job that you do not want

if you are stuck in your job just

because it gives you a steady

income but it does not make you happy

think again

you can never be successful in life if

you do not have the courage to move away

from something that you do not like

or is burdensome to you if you really

want to be successful

and happy at the same time resign from

your job

look for another job that is really your

passion even if it means getting a lower


money doesn't guarantee a successful

person happiness does.

Number three 

Surround yourself with

people who are winners

if other people treat themselves badly

imagine how they would treat you

how to become successful in your life

not only involves your own world

but others as well if you surround

yourself with people who treat their job


who has wonderful relationships with

their family or someone who has a stable


chances are you will acquire the same

outlook they have in life

even if you do not want to the people

you are with will reflect the kind of

person you are

it's just the way society works if you.

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