Skill for Entrepreneur : Best five Most Important [ Business skills for every Entrepreneur ] must have

Skill for Entrepreneur : Best five Most Important [ Business skills for every Entrepreneur ] must have

If you want to learn the critical skills

that make Steve Jobs ,  Les Brown and Gary

Vaynerchuk successful then this thought is

for you it's necessary if you're going

to compete today that you look for ways

to amaze your customers if you're

willing to sort of ask a lot of

questions and think about things and

work really hard you can learn business , 

marketing  pretty fast

all my success has been predicated on

listening whether I'm doing it with my

ears for with my eyes


one word is believed and I believe in

you I believe you have an amazing gift

inside you that I want to see explode

out into the world so to help you on

your journey today we're gonna look at

the five most important business skills

that every entrepreneur must have enjoy

coming up at 

Cover Image of Skill for Entrepreneur : Best five Most Important [ Business skills for every Entrepreneur ] must have
Cover Image of Skill for Entrepreneur : Best five Most Important [ Business skills for every Entrepreneur ] must have

Number one 

 Is learn to

influence and persuade with Jordan

Belfort Lauren Hoffman was doing the

speech of Bill Gates about maybe ten

years ago and he was asked by a college

student what can we do as students to

make ourselves more valuable in the


so you think Warren Buffett would say

learn how to pick stocks learn how

investments you know whatever he would

say not what he says he says go out and

take a course in sales and conservation

day he did Dale Carnegie change his life

there you go now that point because he

took they said I took Dale Kearney

changement without that you don't he'd

be without that course yeah he'd be the

richest money manager in Omaha Nebraska

then no one ever heard of yeah Annie met

his wife that way the love is like

because without the ability to influence

and persuade yeah okay

you can't put yourself out there into

the world and be known for what you

really are 

Number two 

is amaze your

customers with Les Brown this is a

customer driven economy it's necessary

for you to always explore various ways

in which you can improve the quality of

service that you're providing for the

people in your organization I remember

something a major company had talked

about the extra value service they were

providing for their customers and the

lady who had the news conference

summarized it this way she said it's not

our intention to satisfy our customers

or to please our customers our intention

is to amaze

it's necessary if you're going to

compete today that you look for ways to

amaze your customers by being one of

those individuals that keep your

commitments they keep your word that's

relentless it's necessary you work with

the people that you bring into all your

organization but they see that you are a

good example of a person to work with

because you model integrity and

determination and ambition and truth and

honesty and the way in which you conduct


Number three

 Is articulate your vision

clearly with kevin O'Leary it turns out

in corporate America today and I teach

this now you know I've taught at Notre

Dame and MIT the graduating cohorts I

explain this to them when you're leading

when you want to be a leader you have to

articulate your idea in 90 seconds or

less you have to explain why you're the

right person to lead and above all you

have to know your numbers you can see it

happen on Shark Tank it works in the

real world - - and frankly Shark Tank is

the real world because it's real capital

so I use that and I teach it and I think

everybody should think about that

explaining your vision clearly

succinctly in a short period of time is

up being really important .

Number four 

Is have a plan with Daymond - a business

plan got a lot of business that doesn't

exist is a lot because you can't you

can't say like who do your facts based

on because it hasn't happened yet you

can't really determine who's going by

what and how much this cost sell you

can't say I'm gonna make a million this

year there's not gonna be a rash you

know what what I'll do was put together

what it's like a script I put together

how we make the goods I'm gonna market

the goods how much Justin buy the goods we have

with my margin and then when I'm gonna

sell it and

I'm going to put back into the business

and how much I will put in my pocket you

know if that kind of thing you know I

write things that like if you look look

one put that on the wall right there

right if you see you see a piece of

paper while I don't want it that's it I

got to do you know I like to put things

on the wall I can't even know what I've

got to do I need to look at it and

across it up I don't consider that a

business plan per se or but I have a

plan you know I'm saying like I have a

plan plus you want other people to

understand the plan because you can't do

anything on your own so you want to be

able to articulate it to them away they

understand and that they can look back

because I've talked quick and like you

said a lot of times I say [ __ ] you like

I didn't understand that I need to tell

you later.

yeah you know so you want to have

something someone can keep looking at

and they could see you crossing it off

and then they can kind of get it by

absorbing fault you know by watching

what you're doing.

Number five

 Is question everything with

Steve Jobs throughout the years in

business I found something which was I

always ask why you do things and the

answers you invariably get are oh that's

just the way it's done

nobody knows why they do what they do

nobody thinks about things very deeply

in business that's what I found I'll

give you an example when we were

building our Apple ones in the garage we

knew exactly what they cost when we got

into a factory in the Apple two days the

accounting had this notion of a standard

cost where you'd kind of set a standard

cost and then at the end of a quarter

you'd adjust it with a variance and I

kept asking why did we do this and the

answer was well that's just the way it's

done and after about six months of

digging into this what I realized was

the reason you do it is because you

don't really have good enough controls

to know how much it costs so you guess

and then you fix your guess at the end

of the quarter and the reason you don't

know how much it cost is because your

information systems aren't good enough

so but nobody said it that way and so

later on when we designed this automated

Factory for Macintosh we were able to

get rid of

a lot of these antiquated concepts and

know exactly what something costs to the

second so in business a lot of things or

I call it folklore they're done because

they were done yesterday and the day

before and so what that means is is if

you're willing to sort of ask a lot of

questions and think about things and

work really hard you can learn business

pretty fast that's not the hardest thing

in the world not rocket science it's not

rocket science No

now I've got a special bonus clip with

casein Einstein and Gary Vaynerchuk but

before getting to that the question of

the day today is which of these five

skills are your weakest what's the one

that you need to improve on the most

leave it down the comments below I'm

really curious to find out thank you

guys so much for watching I believe in

you I hope you continue to believe in

yourself and whatever your when where it


much love I'll see you soon and enjoy

the bonus

this is gonna blow away people

especially your fanbase listening you

know I speak a lot and I talk over

people and I'm loud and intense but all

of my success has been predicated on

listening whether I'm doing it with my

ears for with my eyes still I use a

probably communication which I think

you're building on what Garrett said I

think communication is - a two-way

street but being able to articulate and

communicate what it is that I'm trying

to communicate is something that I find

I focus on all day long every time I


one wrong move yeah the most important

work ever if you had to think of one

word that's most important to you or

that sums you Apple that would be like a

little beacon pay believe nation if you

want to know what the most important one

word is for Tony Robbins ,Gary Vaynerchuk

Oprah Winfrey .

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