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How to say [ good morning ] in Nepali Language ( Devanagari and Indo-Aryan Language )

 How to say [ good morning ] in Nepali Language ( Devanagari and Indo-Aryan Language )

Peoples are searching for How to say [ good morning ] in Nepali Language ( Devanagari and Indo-Aryan Language ) Nepali Language is an Indo-Aryan language of the sub-branch of Eastern Pahari. According to report 16 millions native speakers in Nepali language globally.

It is the official language and lingua franca of Nepal and one of the 22 scheduled languages in India.

Archaeological and historical investigations show that modern Nepali descends from the language spoken by the ancient Khasha people. There is some mention of the word khasha in Sanskrit legal, historical, and literary texts like Manusmriti (circa 100 CE), Puranas (350–1500), and the Rajatarangini (1148).

 Nepali language is originated from the Sinja region of Karnali Pradesh about the 11th century ago. Nowadays, Nepali language is widely spoken from the east to the west as well as north to the south and different parts of India, Bhutan and Myanmar.

Bhanubhakta Acharya was born on 13 July 1814 (29 Ashadh 1871 BS) in the village of Chundi Ramgha, Tanahun District, Nepal to Dhananjaya Acharya, and Dharmawati Acharya.

Nepali was first written in the Brahmi script in about 981 AD during the reign of King Bhupal Damupal. From the 12th century, the Devanagari alphabet, which developed from the Brahmi script in the 11th century, became the primary script for Nepali.

рдиेрдкाрд▓ी рднाрд╖ा (рджेрд╡рдиाрдЧрд░ी рд░ рдЗрди्рдбो-рдЖрд░्рдпрди рднाрд╖ा) рдиेрдкाрд▓ी рднाрд╖ा рдкूрд░्рд╡ी рдкрд╣ाрдбीрдХो рдЙрдкрд╢ाрдЦाрдХो рдЗрди्рдбो-рдЖрд░्рдпрди рднाрд╖ा рд╣ो। рдк्рд░рддिрд╡ेрджрдирдЕрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡рднрд░ рдиेрдкाрд▓ी рднाрд╖ा рдмोрд▓्рдиेрд╣рд░ू резрем рд▓ाрдЦ рдЫрди् ।
рдпो рдиेрдкाрд▓рдХो рдЖрдзिрдХाрд░िрдХ рднाрд╖ा рд░ рд▓िрдЩ्рдЧुрдЖ рдл्рд░ाрди्рдХा рд╣ो рд░ рднाрд░рддрдоा 22 рдЕрдиुрд╕ूрдЪिрдд рднाрд╖ाрд╣рд░ू рдордз्рдпे рдПрдХ рд╣ो।

рдкुрд░ाрддाрдд्рд╡िрдХ рд░ рдРрддिрд╣ाрд╕िрдХ рдЕрдиुрд╕рди्рдзाрдирд▓े рдЖрдзुрдиिрдХ рдиेрдкाрд▓ी рдкुрд░ाрддрди рдЦрд╢ा рдЬाрддिрд▓े рдмोрд▓्рдиे рднाрд╖ाрдмाрдЯ рдЖрдПрдХो рджेрдЦाрдЙँрдЫ। рд╕ंрд╕्рдХृрддрдХा рдХाрдиुрдиी, рдРрддिрд╣ाрд╕िрдХ, рд░ рд╕ाрд╣िрдд्рдпिрдХ рдЧ्рд░рди्рдерд╣рд░ू рдЬрд╕्рддै рдордиुрд╕्рдоृрддि (рдХрд░िрдм 100 рдИрд╕्рд╡ी), рдкुрд░ाрдг (350-1500), рд░ рд░ाрдЬрддрд░ंрдЧिрдиी (1148) рдоा рдЦрд╢ा рд╢рдм्рджрдХो рдХेрд╣ी рдЙрд▓्рд▓ेрдЦ рдЫ।

 рдиेрдкाрд▓ी рднाрд╖ा рдХрд░िрдм резрез рдФं рд╢рддाрдм्рджीрдЕрдШि рдХрд░्рдгाрд▓ी рдк्рд░рджेрд╢рдХो рд╕िрди्рдЬा рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдмाрдЯ рдЙрдд्рдкрдд्рддि рднрдПрдХो рд╣ो । рдЕрд╣िрд▓े рдиेрдкाрд▓ी рднाрд╖ा рдкूрд░्рд╡рджेрдЦि рдкрд╢्рдЪिрдо, рдЙрдд्рддрд░рджेрдЦि рджрдХ्рд╖िрдг рд░ рднाрд░рдд, рднुрдЯाрди рд░ рдо्рдпाрдирдоाрд░рдХा рд╡िрднिрди्рди рднाрдЧрдоा рд╡्рдпाрдкрдХ рд░ूрдкрдоा рдмोрд▓िрдиे рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдЫ।

рднाрдиुрднрдХ्рдд рдЖрдЪाрд░्рдпрдХो рдЬрди्рдо резрей рдЬुрд▓ाрдИ резреорезрек (реиреп рдЕрд╕ाрд░ резреоренрез) рдоा рдзрдирдЮ्рдЬрдп рдЖрдЪाрд░्рдп рд░ рдзрд░्рдоाрд╡рддी рдЖрдЪाрд░्рдпрдХो рдШрд░рдоा рддрдирд╣ुँ рдЬिрд▓्рд▓ाрдХो рдЪुंрдбी рд░ाрдордШा рдЧाрдЙँрдоा рднрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो ।

рдиेрдкाрд▓ी рдкрд╣िрд▓ो рдкрдЯрдХ рдм्рд░ाрд╣्рдоी рд▓िрдкिрдоा рд▓рдЧрднрдЧ репреорез рдоा рд░ाрдЬा рднूрдкाрд▓ рджाрдоुрдкाрд▓рдХो рд╢ाрд╕рдирдХाрд▓рдоा рд▓ेрдЦिрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो। резреи рдФं рд╢рддाрдм्рджीрджेрдЦि, резрез рдФं рд╢рддाрдм्рджीрдоा рдм्рд░ाрд╣्рдоी рд▓िрдкिрдмाрдЯ рд╡िрдХрд╕िрдд рднрдПрдХो рджेрд╡рдиाрдЧрд░ी рд╡рд░्рдгрдоाрд▓ा рдиेрдкाрд▓ीрдХो рдк्рд░ाрдердоिрдХ рд▓िрдкि рдмрди्рдпो।

Good = рд░ाрдо्рд░ो

Morning = рдмिрд╣ाрди

Good Morning = рд╢ुрдн - рдк्рд░рднाрдд

Good Morning Image In Nepali Language
Good Morning Image In Nepali Language

FAQ about good morning in Nepali Language

Q. How to say good morning in Nepali language ?

рд╢ुрдн - рдк्рд░рднाрдд

Q. How to say good morning in Devanagari and Indo-Aryan Language  ?

рд╢ुрдн - рдк्рд░рднाрдд

Q. How many native speakers in Nepali language ?

- 16 millions native speakers in Nepali language globally wide.

Q. Who invented Nepali language ?

Nepali language is believed to have started with the Shah kings of Gorkha Kingdom, in the modern day Gorkha district of Nepal. In 1559, a prince of Lamjung, Dravya Shah established himself on the throne of Gorkha with the help of local Khas and Magars. Nepali was first written in the Brahmi script in about 981 AD during the reign of King Bhupal Damupal. From the 12th century, the Devanagari alphabet, which developed from the Brahmi script in the 11th century, became the primary script for Nepali.

Q. What is the origin of Nepali language ?

- The origin of the modern Nepali language is believed to be from Sinja valley of Jumla . Nepali originated from the group of Pahari languages and is written in Devanagari script. It is spoken in the neighboring countries like Burma and Bhutan as a mixture of Tibeto-Burman languages. The language also is a lot similar to Hindi, the official language of India, as it has been derived from Sanskrit.