How to say [ good morning ] in Luganda Language ( Oluganda and Bantu Language )
Peoples are searching for How to say [ good morning ] in Luganda Language ( Oluganda and Bantu Language ) Luganda Language is a Bantu language spoken in the African Great Lakes region. According to report 20 millions native speakers in Luganda language globally.
Luganda is not an official language as English and Swahili are, but it has become the Lingua Franka in the country.
Luganda is predominantly spoken in central Uganda. It is spoken by people called Baganda. It is also spoken and understood by other Bantu language speaking people in other regions of Uganda.
Luganda was first written during the second half of the 19th century. The first Luganda grammar was published in 1882, and was soon followed by other publications, many of which were written by missionaries. A number of different Luganda spelling systems were developed.
Luganda is the language of the Baganda. Since the Baganda belong to the Bantu family, they are believed to have originated from central Africa.
Good = Kirungi
Morning = Ku makya
Good Morning = Wasuze otya
Good Morning Image In Luganda Language |