How would you [ respond to an employee ] who tells you that he/she wants a higher position, but you don’t think he/she is ready for it?

 How would you respond to an employee who tells you that he/she wants a higher position, but you don’t think he/she is ready for it?

Cover Image of  How would you [ respond to an employee ] who tells you that he/she wants a higher position, but you don’t think he/she is ready for it?
Cover Image of  How would you [ respond to an employee ] who tells you that he/she wants a higher position, but you don’t think he/she is ready for it?

1. You say ‘’No’’ and explain why.

2. You say ‘’Yes’’ and trust that he/she will rise up to the challenge.

3. You give him/her an assignment and make a decision based on the results obtained.

4. You say ‘’Maybe later’’ and you sign up him/her in training/mentorship programs to acquire the necessary skills.

5. You tell him/her when you’ll open an internal selection for the position that he/she wants and invite him/her to participate then, along with other colleagues.

6. Other answers: ………………………….


And of course, the answer may depend on the employee who is asking for the promotion and on other internal contexts. One thing is for sure: that employee said what he/she wants.


A simple negative answer without explaining in which conditions he can obtain the position and what he has to do to obtain it can decrease his motivation change his perspective, and change his life.

Change seems so daunting that we give up before we even start. It seems impossible because we start tallying the what-ifs and potential for failure in our heads before we even give the opportunity a chance. Instead, what if you began to consider what could go right?

Here's what has helped me:

➡️ Start. You don't have to have all the answers. You can figure it out along the way.


➡️Make progress daily.


➡️Crawl if you must, but you must have momentum. Objects in motion stay in motion.


➡️Sometimes, you must build the plane while flying it. Optimize along the way.


➡️Learn to pivot rather than quit. Planes going the wrong direction reroute. They don't turn off the engine mid-flight. That would suck.


➡️Rest if you need but don't give up.


➡️Borrow courage if you need it. Surround yourself with people who inspire you and will cheer you on. Sometimes we need people to light the fire in us if we're burning low.

Lastly, remember that change is about action.

Though it starts with a desire and belief, it must be coupled with action.

Everything that was once thought impossible, the 4-minute mile, traveling to space, and modern medicine, manifested because people thought the impossible possible. They coupled the belief that it was possible with determination and action.

Change happens when desire, preparation, and action intersect.

Transformation happens when you believe the impossible is possible.n, his engagement, and ultimately his results. We all have our ego.


Let me what you think is the best way to handle these situations and why.

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