Best way [ How to Write a Conclusion ] Sample Step by Step with Example + Template

Best way [ How to Write a Conclusion ] Sample Step by Step with Example + Template 

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Cover Image of Best way [ How to Write a Conclusion ] Sample Step by Step with Example + Template 

Understand Conclusion 

Conclusion refers to the final outcome or summary of a study, research, or analysis. It is the last part of a written work, such as an essay, report, or thesis, that presents the main findings and conclusions of the author. The conclusion is used to summarize the main points of the work, drawing together the evidence and arguments presented, and offering recommendations or insights for further study or action.

How to Write a Conclusion Sample Step by Step

Step 1:  Summarize the main points: Begin your conclusion by summarizing the main points of your paper. This will remind the reader of the key arguments and evidence you presented.

Step 2:  Restate your thesis: Restate your thesis statement in a new way, so that it is clear that you have proven it through your research and arguments.

Step 3:  Add a final thought: After restating your thesis, add a final thought or reflection on the topic. This could be an opinion, recommendation, or call to action.

Step 4:  Avoid introducing new information: Do not introduce new information or evidence in your conclusion. Stick to the information presented in your paper.

Step 5:  Keep it concise: Your conclusion should be brief and to the point. Avoid repeating information or using filler words.

Step 6:  Use transitional phrases: Use transitional phrases to link your conclusion to the rest of your paper. This will help the reader understand how your conclusion relates to your introduction and main body.

Step 7:  Proofread and edit: Before submitting your paper, proofread and edit your conclusion to ensure it is clear, concise, and free of errors.

 How to Write a Conclusion Template 

A conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay or report, and should leave the reader with a sense of finality. Here is a template for writing a conclusion:

Restate the main thesis or goal of the paper.

Summarize the main points discussed in the body of the paper.

End with a final thought or call to action. This could be a suggestion for further research, a question for the reader to consider, or a statement about the implications of the information presented.

Note: Avoid introducing new information or arguments in the conclusion.

How to Write a Conclusion Example 

first Example:

In conclusion, the issue of climate change is a pressing one that requires immediate attention and action. The evidence presented in this paper clearly shows that human activity is the primary cause of climate change and that we must take steps to reduce our carbon footprint and transition to renewable energy sources. It is crucial that we take responsibility for our actions and work together to find solutions before it is too late. We must recognize that climate change is not just an environmental problem, but a social and economic one as well and that it affects us all. It is time for us to take action and make a difference for the future of our planet.

Second Example:

In conclusion, the study has shown that [restate thesis]. Through an examination of [main point 1], [main point 2], and [main point 3], it is clear that [final perspective]. Further research is needed to [suggest future research]. Overall, this study contributes to our understanding of [topic].

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