Difference between "process.stdout.write" and "console.log" in node.js?
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Both processes.stdout.write and console.log are used to write output to the console in Node.js, but there are a few key differences between them.
console.log is a method provided by Node.js's console module that writes a message to the console with a newline character (\n) at the end. It can take multiple arguments, and it will concatenate them into a single string separated by spaces.
console. log('Hello', 'world'); // Hello world
process.stdout.write is a method provided by Node.js's process module that writes a message to the console without a newline character. It can only take a single argument, which must be a string.
process. stdout.write('Hello');
process. stdout.write('world'); // Helloworld
In other words, console.log is generally used for printing formatted output to the console, while process.stdout.write is used for writing raw output to the console without any formatting.
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