Aha sin web series childhood Nina original name

Aha sin web series Childhood Nina original name 

About SIN web series :- Cover image of web series SIN

Anand( Thiruveer), works in a Women commission Cell and is a big backslider from outside. He marries Nandita( Deepti Sati) just for his physical satisfaction and this nature of his is known to her right down. effects take an unattractive turn when Anand has an affair with Nina.

 Indeed the beautiful Nina( Jeniffer Piccinato) falls for Anand not knowing that he's wedded and is in the relationship just for coitus. What turns does the triangle love story take form the introductory crux of this web series? 


 The main lead Thiruveer is atrocious in his two- concentrated part. The way he brings his innocence and tries to hide the beast inside him has been showcased well. 

The main plot is about marriage and how innocent girls face connubial rape. Some scenes about women’s commission are good. The aesthetics and BGM both, used to make the series look authentic. The introductory twist in the plot will leave you surprised. 

 Overall, SIN starts off well dealing with the content of connubial rape. There's an overdose of infidelity involved but the performance of the supereminent cast is enough emotional. 

The twist in the climax is surprising and bold but the series could have been recited emotionally from the morning. As it has crisp runtime, give it a shot, and some good moments.

Aha sin web series childhood Nina original name

Image of famous actress Jeniffer Piccinato
Image of famous actress Jeniffer Piccinato

Jeniffer Piccinato is a popular transnational model who has appeared in number of Indian commercials, music vids and also Web series. 

Jenifer hails from Brazil and she has distinct features. She has been working on assignments in number of countries before shifting base to India in 2018 with the growing quantum of work.

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