Difference between plant cell and animal cell with Example

 Difference between plant cell and animal cell with example

Difference between plant cell and animal cell
Difference between plant cell and animal cell

Plant cells and animal cells share many similarities, but they also have some key differences. Here's a breakdown:

Cell Wall:

Plant Cell: Plant cells have a rigid cell wall made primarily of cellulose. This provides structural support and protection for the cell.

Animal Cell: Animal cells lack a cell wall. Instead, they have a flexible cell membrane that provides shape and support.


Plant Cell: Plant cells contain chloroplasts, which are responsible for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their green color.

Animal Cell: Animal cells do not contain chloroplasts. They obtain energy through the process of cellular respiration, which occurs in the mitochondria.


Plant Cell: Plant cells typically have one large central vacuole, which stores water, nutrients, and waste products. It helps maintain turgor pressure, which is important for maintaining the cell's shape and rigidity.

Animal Cell: Animal cells may have smaller vacuoles, but they are not as prominent as those in plant cells. Vacuoles in animal cells primarily serve to store and transport substances.


Plant Cell: Plant cells are generally rectangular or box-like in shape.

Animal Cell: Animal cells are typically round or irregular in shape.


Plant Cell Example: Think of a leaf cell. Leaf cells contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis and have a large central vacuole to store water and nutrients.

Animal Cell Example: Consider a nerve cell. Nerve cells, or neurons, transmit electrical signals throughout the body. They have a round shape and lack structures like chloroplasts or a cell wall.

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