Difference between heap and stack

Difference between heap and stack 

About heap and stack memory overview so

knowing how memory actually works in

Java is important as it gives you the

advantage of writing high-performance

and optimized applications it helps you

to understand the scope of variables

object creation and memory management in

the main in Java there are two main

memory types stack memory and heap

memory as far as stack memory is

concerned it contains method calls local

variables and reference variables on the

other hand heap memory contains objects

and instance variables you may post a

question that what are instance

variables for example when we have a

card loss then we can define private

integer for example speed we can define

private string name of owner and

something like this so these variables

that belongs to the class itself these

are called instance variables and these

variables are stored on the heap memory

of course because these are associated

with the object itself

okay so stack memory contains primitive

values that are specific to a method and

references to objects that are in a heap

referred from this given method the Java

heap space is used by Java Runtime to

allocate memory to objects and Java

runtime environment related classes

whenever we create any object it is

always created in the heap space okay so

let's take a look at a concrete example

every single application starts with the

main method because it is a method call

it's going to be inserted into the stack

memory automatically so in the stack a

frame will be created from the main

method and if we create a given variable


e.g:  a double with value 10 then

this local variable D in the main method

will also be created in the main methods

frame on the stack memory

 why the main method has a

local variable D if we make a given

method call then

this public void method 1 will be cooled

with the given argument so what does it

mean a method calls are stored on the

stack memory so there's going to be

another stack frame for method 1

 ok so

if we create the method one specific

local variable a floating-point number

with value 30 then these values are

going to be stored on the stack memory

associated with the given method so

method 1 stack frame is going to contain

the argument I and local variable F so

as you can see every single method has a

distinct frame on the stack memory and

by the way these stack frames are

independent so for example within the

main method we are not able to alter the

value of the local variable F because

they are in different

stack frames anyways if we call for

example an order method method 2 which

is a public void method again it is

going to be stored on the stack as usual

and if we create a new object for

example we have a class house with

instance variables windows and doors if

we instantiate a new object with the new

keyword then this house object is going

to be stored on the heap memory ok so as

you can see a new object is created on

the heap memory with instance variables

so it is crucial that instance variables

it may seems to be very similar to local

variables but they belong to a given

class so local variables are stored on

the stack but instance variables that

belongs to a given class they are stored

on the heap memory and the reference

itself in this case the house ref is

going to be present on the stack memory

ok so as you can see the house reference

is on the stack memory this is what we

have been talking about in a previous

lecture that the reference itself is on

the stack memory about the object it is

referencing is

on the heap okay so the assignment

operator makes the house rap reference

variable to point to the house object in

the heap memory okay so there's the

reference from the house raff present on

the stack to an object present on the

heap memory so what's going to happen

when we finish with method 2 when method

2 execution is completed the flow of the

control will go back to the command

method warm because method 1 called

method 2 you

that's why Java is going to consider

method 1 again okay so this is what's

happening here and what's crucial that

beakers method 2 is completed it is

flushed out from the stack so this

method to relate its stack frame is

going to be removed from the stack so

what does it mean exactly that there is

no active reference to the object

present on the heap so what is it mean

exactly that this object is eligible for

garbage collection so when the job of

your tool machine runs the garbage

collector the object will be destroyed

because there is no active reference to

that given object this is exactly how

garbage collection works after method 1

is finished with its execution then

method 1 stack frame is going to be

removed from the stack memory and the

flow control will go back to the command

main method so this is why this stack

frame is removed from the stack memory

and we go back to the main method and

because there are no more operations in

the main method which means that we are

finished with the execution of the main

method the main method related stack

frame is going to be removed from the

stack as well ok so this is 

How stack memory and heap memory works

method calls arguments and local

variables are stored on the stack memory

but objects on the other hand are stored

on the heap memory so whenever we create

a new object then the reference itself

is on the stack memory and the object

itself is on the heap memory so this is

the crucial difference between stack and

heap okay so any object created in the

heap space has

access and can be referenced from

anywhere of the application the stack

memory is always referenced in a leaf

also last in first out order push

operation adds an element at the top of

the stack and the pop operation removes

an element from the top of the stack so

I'm not sure whether you are familiar

with abstract data types and data

structures but stack is the most common

abstract data type we can store items in

a lethal manner so the last item we

insert is the first one we take out in

this case the stack is going to contain

method frames and within the method

frames there are local variables and

argument values okay we can use Java

Virtual Machine options to define the

startup size and the maximum size of the

heap memory and the stack memory so we

can control that what's going to be the

size of the stack memory and the heap

memory what's crucial that when stack

memory is full then Java Runtime shows a

stack overflow error whereas if heap

memory is full it's going to throw an

out of memory error so this is crucial

as a software engineer to be able to

detect whether the stack memory is full

or the heat memory is full and we can

conclude based on the error itself stack

overflow error has something to do with

the stack and out of memory error has

something to do with the heap memory.

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