How to start your own business without investors | Nicholas Hänny co-founder and CEO of NIKIN (Positive startup Story ,Positive Learning)

 How to start your own business without investors | Nicholas Hänny

Nicholas Hänny is the co-founder and CEO of NIKIN, a sustainable clothing brand from Switzerland that plants one tree for each product sold. NIKIN has been in the top 3 of the Swiss Economic Award 2019 and won the “Swiss Brand of the Year” Award for best cost-benefit ratio in the Swiss clothing industry. With NIKIN, Nicholas is responsible for already 500’000 trees planted. He has also been elected “Aargauer of the Year 2019”.

The theme of his talk is "How to start your own business without investors?". Nicholas answers the question by giving tips based on his personal experience. Nicholas Hänny is the co-founder and CEO of NIKIN, a sustainable clothing brand from Switzerland that plants one tree for each product sold. NIKIN has been in the top 3 of the Swiss Economic Award 2019 and won the “Swiss Brand of the Year” Award for best cost-benefit ratio in the Swiss clothing industry. With NIKIN, Nicholas is responsible for already 500’000 trees planted. He has also been elected “Aargauer of the Year 2019”.

Positive startup Story ,Positive Learning of Nicholas Hänny 

hello everybody i'm nicholas heny

i'm the ceo and co-founder of a startup

a young sustainable clothing brand

that plants one tree for each product

that we sell but i'm not here today to

talk about sustainability or tree


i'm here to talk about how to build a

business without investors

i'm talking about that because i built

my business with only 5 000 francs and

we don't have any investors

up to this point so two things i want to

tell you

before i start talking about my tips

the first thing is we never had a

business plan and never needed one

so that's one thing i want to tell you

just start without the business plan

and the second thing is that the five

tips i'm going to give you now

are actually pretty basic and simple and

might seem obvious to most of you

but i'm trying to go and putting it into

context that you see some examples of

how we dealt with that

so the first tip is actually pretty


it is it's not about the idea it's about

the implementation

what i mean with that is that a lot of

times people come to me telling me

hey i want to start my own business but

i don't have the idea i don't know what

to do

but the thing that i'm telling them then

is that you don't need a great idea

it's not about the idea that you're

successful it's about the implementation

so you don't need a great idea to start

and neither to be successful

i want to give you know three examples

of companies that exactly did that

the first example is actually pretty

famous one it's of

actually the biggest social network in

the world it's facebook

facebook when it started it was a

terrible idea in my opinion

they wanted to build a social media

social network

which at that point was already pretty a

bad idea because

myspace was huge myspace dominated it

facebook also only started with harvard

students but after time they started to

implement it better had better ideas

improved it

and now they're one of the biggest

companies in the world

the second tip might be a little bit

less for example might be a little bit

less famous

it's lyft lyft is basically the same as

uber uber started in the states

and actually everybody knows what uber

is now so lyft took the same idea

and usually it's a bad idea just to copy

someone but

they did it better they implemented the

stuff better in the process did certain

things better

and now in certain cities they're

actually bigger than uber

then the third example is maybe the most

famous one

it's google google was not the first

search engine

it was not the great idea to just do

another search engine when they started

but as you know they improved their

algorithm better their search engine is

better and now they're the biggest one

in the world

so all of them actually just started

with not a very great idea

but implemented it much better so

just do something it's not about idea

it's about the implementation

now let me go over to the second tip the

second tip

is to not strive for perfection

so what i mean with that is when you

start the business you usually don't

really have a lot of money

you cannot afford the people that are

the experts to either work for you or

pay them that they consult you and help


so it means you have to do everything

yourself and

that's not always that easy so let me

give you actually four

personal examples of how we did that

so the first one the first example is of

our first

t-shirt that we had the first t-shirts

were from asia

and only then we shifted it to europe

but we didn't know that the sciences

from asia are totally different from

european sizes so our excel was actually

more like an m

and customers are not that happy about

it however we sold the product we got


we learned about it and by that we got

better and better and better

and it was much better just do it and

sell it and by that have a faster

learning phase

so that was already very important now

the second example

is of our first photo shooting in


where we started to take product

pictures for ourselves we didn't have

money to pay a photographer

we were thinking of it but it was just

way too expensive so our setup that you

can see

is only like 30 dollars the lamp was

from a local construction site the

camera was borrowed from a friend

the thing i have in my hand in the

picture is styrofoam and

the thing in the background this is

actually the only thing that cost us 30


the pictures were not great but they

were good enough to start and by that we

got again

feedback we learned and we were faster

than like others who

waited for perfect pictures so now the

third thing is

an instagram post from us in the

beginning if you look at it it looks

pretty horrible in my opinion

but we posted more more than other


we had a higher posting frequency we got

by that more engagement more comments

more likes more everything

and in the end we actually won by that

we also learned which posts work well

which not and it was just more important

to just do

it rather than waiting for the perfect


now the last example is actually my

favorite example because it's our first

towel that we had

our first towel though had a problem

when he went to the beach or to the

local swimming pool and you were lying

on the grass on the beach

and you took it up the towel you

basically ripped away all the leaves and

all the grass

so he took away almost the whole forest

that was horrible

customers hated it but some actually

liked it but nevertheless

we learned from diller more about

material the next one was much better

and again we sold it we got some more

customers and so on and that was super

important to not wait for the perfect

product to just do it

now the third tip third tip is also

pretty obvious and many people of you

know that probably

but it's ask for help a lot of times we

just ask people

be it people we know be complete

strangers if they could help us in

something and you'll be amazed

at how many people actually want to help

how much good there's out there

and also don't forget the worst thing

that can happen is when you ask

to just get a no so let me give you two


of which the first one is more of a

personal one in the picture you can see

the parents of my co-founder

in the beginning we had a lot of demand

for our winter hats so we asked them if

it could help us actually manufacture


so you see them stitching the labels

onto the winter hats

they also packed until three in the

morning our orders

and also we asked friends if they could

help us and all of them helped us for


so you just have to ask but it's not

only about people you know

it's also about complete strangers so

the next example shows

a situation when we moved into new

office and we needed new furniture

we thought that it might be that it

would make more sense to actually use

used furniture so we asked if some

people have it in the seller because all

of you probably also have some furniture

they don't use in their seller

so 17 people commented 20 people direct

messaged me and in the end you had more

offers for good furniture than we

actually needed

so this actually shows that in the end

you just have to ask the worst thing you

can get is a no

and if you don't know how to ask the

right people go on linkedin

google it there's many many many places

where you can find out

who to ask in the end now the next tip

also a simple one but if you don't have

a lot of money and you're starting your

own business

super important it's be flexible and by

flexible i mean be really really really


it's again the same story you cannot

hire people that are doing the hard work

for you you cannot hire

people that do 24 7 customer service for

you you have to do most of the things

yourself in the beginning

so i'll also give you examples the first


is an example of our first meetings we

did not have

an office we did not have the money to

rent one so we had to do meetings in

bars or restaurants

we did that either before our regular

jobs or studies or

afterwards as you can see in the picture

it was of course afterwards now in this


and we did that for around one and a

half years until we could actually

afford our first

real office now the next example is

if you look at the picture it's a toilet

and you must might ask yourself

why the hell is the toilet in the

picture so that was a place where i had

to work a lot it was super important for


it is because with the customer service

ourselves and when you got

a customer service request you had to

answer it pretty fast

so i use these five minutes doing

whatever people do on the toilet

to tell customers yes you can send back

the package and yes we're going to send

you another one

i did that all the time i had to as well

as using five minutes in the bus to

write an email

and these minutes and this flexibility

really really matters in the beginning

so now going to the last tip the last


is that you should read the best book in

the world

a lot of times i get asked by people how

do i do marketing how do i find a


how do i do video editing how do this

that or this

and first of all if you go back to tip

number three

of course i help them in that moment but

at the same time i also tell them hey

read the best book in the world because

it's all in there and so the best book

in the world is

google as simple as it might sound but

all the things you want to know there on


google how to build sustainable business

google how to do facebook ads

how to have a sustainable clothing brand

and so on and it's almost all written in


of course if at some point you have a

list of 20 things and you know these

things you have to do

then it might help if you ask someone

with experience to tell you on what to


but then go back to tip number three

again which is asking and they then i

might ask you or may tell you

what you have to do in the moment so

that's it these are my

five basic tips and just one more

message i would like to give you is

if you really want to do something you

don't need a great idea

just do it if you just go out there and

do it remember this that you're already

ahead of 99

of all potential entrepreneurs and so

it's basically just about doing it

and everything else comes in the process

and implementation so thank you very


for your attention

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