Maslow has put forward an essential theory of motivation which has gained wide appreciation in the field of management. In fact, Maslow's need hierarchy has been a milestone in the field of motivation. Maslow’s needs priority theory of motivation is completely based upon human needs. According to Maslow's point of view, the needs and desirous of humans are infinite and unlimited.
As soon as one of his needs is satisfied, another appears in its place and so on. In fact, it is a never-ending process it continues from birth to death. Hence, Maslow has given an essential theory about the satisfaction of human needs. According to him, human needs can be arranged from lower to the higher as shown in the figure:-
Maslow’s Need Hierarchy
Maslow’s Need Hierarchy is as follows:
Physiological Needs- Physiological needs are one of the most important needs for human beings to survive their life in a proper way. In fact, it is a life-giving element for human being and in the absence of fulfilling these needs, people cannot walk even one step properly. Thus, it is clear that physiological needs are the prime needs for human beings (Food, Shelter, and clothing, etc are the physiological needs for a human being).
Safety Needs- After satisfying Physiological needs people move in search of safety needs. It is also a prominent need for human beings.
Safety needs for a human can be classified into two parts-
(a) Physical safety [under these needs people should be protected from physical harm, ill health, economic disaster and etc.]
(b) Psychological safety [it describes everyone in this world has right to live without any psychological harassment. It means that everyone should independent from psychological burdens].
Social Needs- Man is a social being. Hence, they are interested in making social interaction, companionship, and relationship. In fact, it is not possible for any individual to live without social interaction either with their friends or kith and kin because everyone needs social interaction to share their feelings, emotions as well as sorrow and pleasant with others to sound mind. Thus it is clear that these needs are very essential for human beings.
Esteem Needs- Esteem is also called as Ego of human beings. The esteem needs of humans are twofold in nature, self-esteem, and esteem of others. Self-esteem refers to one’s self-confidence, self-respect, knowledge, achievements, and freedom, etc. Apart from this Esteem of others denotes that one, who should appreciate and respect by others on behalf of his work done. These needs also take a vital place in human life.
Self-Actualization- Self- Actualization is also an essential need for human beings. According to Maslow what a man can be he must be. In fact, self- actualization refers to the self-satisfaction of people which gains after achieving everything in their life. It means when the people will obtain everything in their life, whatever they were assumed by themselves for life than they are in the position of self-actualization. But very poor numbers of people can obtain the position of self-actualization in their life because it is not possible for everyone to gain everything in their life.
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