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humility short story of usa विनम्रता की छोटी कहानी

 Humility|humility stories for kids|story on humility with moral|humility inspirational story|Top stories of USA

humility example story humility inspirational story humility moral story humility short story humility stories humility story book story about humility story in humility story on humility story on humility with moral humility stories for kids
humility stories for kids humility story, 

Many years ago, a rider came across some

 soldiers who were trying to move a heavy log

 without success. The corporal was standing

 by as the men struggled. The rider asked the

 corporal why he wasn't helping. The 


 replied, "I am the corporal; i give orders." The

 rider dismounted, went up and stood by the

 soldiers and as they were lifting the log, he

 helped them. With his help, the log got 

moved. The rider quietly mounted his horse 

and went to the corporal and said, "The next 

time your men need help, send for the 

Commander-in-Chief." After he left, the

 corporal and his men found out that the rider

 was George Washington.

The message is pretty clear. Success and 

humility go hand in hand. When others blow

 your horn, the sound goes further. Just think

 about it? Simplicity and humility are two 

hallmarks of greatness. Humility does not 

mean self-demeaning behavior.

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