Love on the Spectrum U.S. | Season 2 Official Trailer and Release Date with more | Netflix

 Love on the Spectrum U.S. | Season 2 Official Trailer and Release Date with more  | Netflix

Cover Image of Love on the Spectrum U.S. webseries
Cover Image of Love on the Spectrum U.S. web series | credit goes to Netflix

Short Summary of Love on the Spectrum U.S. Webseries

Emmy® Award-winning docu-reality series, Love on the Spectrum U.S., is an insightful and warm-hearted series following people on the autism spectrum as they navigate the world of dating and relationships. In its second season, this U.S.-based series tells the stories of a unique and diverse cast of characters — including new romantic hopefuls and familiar faces — searching for something we all hope to find, love.

How to watch Online Love on the Spectrum U.S. | Season 2

Image of Love on the Spectrum U.S. | Season 2
Image of Love on the Spectrum U.S. | Season 2

Love on the Spectrum U.S. | Season 2 Official Trailer Narration 

[Cian] What do you think love is?

Love is a dagger.

A pretty thing,

a thing that enchants, but also hurts.

[jaunty music sting]

- [Cian] Welcome back. - Yes, I am back.

- [Cian] Should we get started? - Let's get started.

- Oh, Cian! - [Cian] Yeah?

- How's this smile? - That's pretty good.

[Cian] Why do you wanna find love?

I have so much love to give.

When there's love, there is a right match, feels like the slipper fits.

I really would like to have someone special

with whom I can share the best moments of my life.

[inhales deeply]

[narrator] Finding love can be hard for anyone.

It's finally my turn! My turn!

To second chances at finding love.

[narrator] And for some people, it can feel like an impossible dream.

[man] Mmm...

My heart still goes with him.

- Just look for that fish in your pond. - Oh yes.

[narrator] This series follows people on the autism spectrum...

Quite a grip you got.

So magnanimous and marvelous. they navigate the confusing world of relationships...

This is very interesting.

...and dating.

- Are you a little nervous? - Uh... Mm...

He says yes. I'm going on a date!


Love on the Spectrum U.S. | Season 2 Release Date 

A new crop of singles — as well as a few familiar faces — will dive into the dating pool in Season 2 of Love on the Spectrum, which premieres Friday, Jan. 19 on Netflix.

Love on the Spectrum U.S. | Season 2 Official Trailer


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