What Does The Bible Say About Artificial Intelligence ?

What Does The Bible Say About Artificial Intelligence ?

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Cover Image Of What Does The Bible Say About Artificial Intelligence ? 

The Bible doesn't directly address artificial intelligence (AI) since it's a very modern concept. However, some people use biblical passages to discuss AI's potential impact. 

Here are two main viewpoints:

AI as a tool: 

Some argue that AI is simply a tool, like any other technology. The Bible emphasizes using our God-given gifts wisely, and AI can be a powerful tool for good in many areas. 

Concerns about AI: 

Others point out Bible passages that warn against idolatry or worshipping false creations.  They express concern that AI could become so sophisticated it might be seen as a rival to God, or that people might rely on it too much.

Overall, the Bible offers principles for considering AI. 


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