How to Use [ JQuery ] in React js ?

 How to Use JQuery in React js ?

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Cover Image of How to Use [ JQuery ] in React js ?

Using jQuery in React is generally discouraged because React is designed to manage the application's state and handle the DOM manipulations in a more declarative way. React follows a virtual DOM approach, which can conflict with the imperative style of jQuery. It's recommended to leverage React's state management and lifecycle methods instead of relying on jQuery for DOM manipulation.

1. Install JQuery:

   - You can install jQuery using npm or include it through a CDN.

   npm install jquery

2. Import jQuery in your React component:



   import $ from 'jquery';


3. Use jQuery in React component:

   - You can use jQuery within your React component lifecycle methods, such as " componentDidMount " or other methods where DOM manipulation is required.


   import React, { Component } from 'react';

   import $ from 'jquery';

   class MyComponent extends Component {

     componentDidMount() {

       // Example: Using jQuery to manipulate the DOM

       $('#myElement').css('color', 'blue');


     render() {

       return (

         <div id="myElement">

           This is my element.





   export default MyComponent;

   Note: The example above is for illustrative purposes only. In most cases, you should strive to use React state and lifecycle methods instead of directly manipulating the DOM with jQuery.

4. Clean up:

   - If you are using jQuery for things like event handling, make sure to clean up resources and unbind events appropriately, especially when the React component is unmounted.

It's crucial to understand that using jQuery alongside React might lead to unexpected behavior, as they have different approaches to managing the DOM. If possible, explore alternatives such as using React's state, refs, and lifecycle methods to achieve the desired functionality without relying on jQuery.

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